PRL ProstaVen 90 V-Caps
PRL ProstaVen prostate formula consists of three main blends (Prosta-Pro Blend, Beta-Pro Blend™ and Palmetto-Pro Blend) and includes organic Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto), Turmeric and Cordyceps.
PRL Psyllium Fibre 180 V-Caps (Previously Cleanse)
This specialized blend features Fiber Expert, premium quality psyllium powder, in combination with Botanica Cleanse for optimal effect.
PRL Reishi Immune 90 V-Caps
Reishi Immune is a complete biocompatible formula containing Reishi ProBlend, including top quality reishi (raw concentrate, fruiting body). Reishi Immune Blend delivers a broad spectrum of biocompatible botanical ingredients that provide a complex phytochemical profile.
PRL RenaVen 60 V-Caps
This broad spectrum formula is top quality. PRL RenaVen contains two main botanical blends: Rena-Prime and Rena-Bolic Support.
PRL Tranquinol 90 V-Caps
Tranquinol – Complete Formula for Advanced Mood, Relaxation and Sleep Support.
PRL Tyrosine Matrix 90 V-Caps
Tyrosine Matrix contains the amino acid tyrosine, in addition to Tyro-Synergy Support. Tyrosine, a conditionally essential amino acid.
PRL UltraPollen 60 V-Caps
PRL UltraPollen is a top quality, hydrophilic and lipophilic flower pollen extract with a low allergenic risk (cleaned of mold and spores) collected from plants grown and harvested without pesticides.
PRL UriVen 60 V-Caps
UriVen is a powerful, broad spectrum formula containing two key botanicals: Bladder Pro and Uri-Cleanse.
PRL XenoStat 90 V-Caps
PRL XenoStat is a xeno botanical formula containing Botanica Detox, an important multi-marine formula, coupled with Botanica Support™ (a botanical biocompatible blend). This unique supplement is rich in naturally occurring iodine.
Pure Synergy Choline Complex 60 V-Tabs
Choline Complex is made with wholesome vegetables and sprouts, and is fermented so it’s absorbed just like food. It delivers an essential, food-form, and highly nutritious boost to your overall health.
Pure Synergy Enzyme Power 90 V-Caps
An unprecedented full spectrum of potent, plant-based enzymes for digestion. Unlock your food’s true nutritional potential to energize your day and feel better after every meal.
Pure Synergy Organic Stress Remedy 60 V-Caps
An exclusive synergy of herbal extracts and adaptogens for natural stress relief, Stress Remedy helps to foster balance and calm while lifting your energy and focus.