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HealthForce Chlorella Manna 1200 V-Tabs

Chlorella is 50–60% protein. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Chlorella is the only plant on the planet that can quadruple its growth in less than one day. Chlorella Manna supports detoxification with an abundant chlorophyll content and its ability to bind and potentially chelate toxins.

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HealthForce Chlorella Manna 350 Grams

Chlorella is 50–60% protein. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Chlorella is the only plant on the planet that can quadruple its growth in less than one day. Chlorella Manna supports detoxification with an abundant chlorophyll content and its ability to bind and potentially chelate toxins.

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HealthForce Chlorella Manna 400 V-Tabs

Chlorella is 50–60% protein. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Chlorella is the only plant on the planet that can quadruple its growth in less than one day. Chlorella Manna supports detoxification with an abundant chlorophyll content and its ability to bind and potentially chelate toxins.

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Original Superfoods Chlorella Powder 250 Grams

Chlorella lijkt alles te hebben dat de gezondheid kan heropbouwen

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Original Superfoods Chlorella Spirulina Tablets 50-50 1250 Tabs

Chlorella works to directly nourish and stimulate each of the 60 trillion cells we have in our body. The richest source of chlorophyll, chlorella is also the richest natural source of DNA and RNA, the building blocks of all matter, essential for cellular growth and repair. Spirulina is one of the most beneficial of all dietary supplements known. At 60 to 70% protein, it is higher in protein than any other natural food. Spirulina is rich in vitamins and minerals and other nutrients.

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Original Superfoods Chlorella Tablets 1250 Tabs ( 200mg)

Chlorella is a single-celled green freshwater algae and grows mainly in Southeast Asia in lakes and rivers. This true superfood is rich in chlorophyll, RNA/DNA and many other nutrients. It contains protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Chorella also contains the unique Chlorella Growth Factor/CGF.